Digital healthcare in Australia is advancing quickly, with exciting developments such as the modernisation of the government’s My Health Record system and the growing popularity of telehealth services. These changes highlight the increasing importance of secure, purpose-built infrastructure in the healthcare sector.

For Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), having secure, high-performance IT infrastructure is crucial for deploying healthcare software and complying with regulations. Partnering with an AWS specialist like WOLK can help you manage, set up, and optimise a secure cloud-based infrastructure that meets all your needs.

Why High-Performance IT Infrastructure Is Crucial for Healthcare ISVs

High-performance IT infrastructure includes powerful cloud computing servers, platforms, storage solutions, and networking tools. For ISVs in the healthcare industry, this kind of infrastructure is essential for hosting and delivering software to hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities.

Healthcare software providers need reliable, high-performance infrastructure to ensure their software and client facilities run smoothly. This infrastructure keeps everything running at top speed, with maximum uptime and efficient data delivery—ultimately improving patient care and operational efficiency. 

In addition, cloud-based solutions are often more cost-effective than managing independent, on-premises servers, which require pricey hardware and dedicated IT specialists at each facility.

How Cloud Technology Simplifies Integration and Setup

ISVs use cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host and deliver their services because of the numerous benefits these technologies offer. Cloud computing simplifies the integration and setup of software solutions in several key ways:

  • Scalability. ISVs can easily scale their resources up or down based on their clients’ needs without any service disruption. This approach is much more flexible and quicker than traditional on-premises solutions, which usually involve installing or removing hardware to adjust capacity.
  • Real-time data processing. Cloud services enable real-time data processing and analysis, which is crucial for healthcare applications that demand instant access to patient information. For instance, during emergency room visits or when monitoring critical care patients, healthcare providers need immediate access to the latest medical records and vital signs to make quick, life-saving decisions.
  • Virtualisation. Cloud infrastructure provides ISVs access to virtual computers and operating systems, ensuring their software runs smoothly across various devices and enabling quicker deployment.

Staying Compliant and Secure With Advanced IT Solutions

Australian healthcare facilities must comply with various regulations, from the nationwide Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) to each state’s Health Records Acts. To ensure compliance, Healthcare ISVs use the latest IT infrastructure solutions. They offer benefits like:

  • Built-in compliance. The latest-generation IT infrastructure includes built-in compliance features, allowing ISVs to easily deploy compliant software.
  • Disaster recovery tools. ISVs can use their IT platform’s automated backups, failover systems, and encryption protocols to protect and recover healthcare data after a breach.
  • Secure storage. Compliant infrastructure also offers ISVs real-time data security at rest and in transit. These solutions protect client healthcare facilities from man-in-the-middle attacks and other intrusions.

Secure Your Future in Digital Healthcare With WOLK

WOLK’s AWS team has in-depth knowledge of cloud-based infrastructure and can help you set up the secure, high-performance servers you need. Contact our team today to discuss your cloud security needs.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) supports the productivity and data security needs of Australian organisations in all sectors, including the healthcare industry. In addition to compliance with Australia’s data protection laws, AWS solutions can help healthcare facilities identify and address security challenges without impacting teamwork and collaboration. 

Find out how an AWS expert like WOLK can help your healthcare facility migrate to AWS and modernise its processes.

The Importance of Patient Data Security in Healthcare

Data breaches regularly expose private or highly sensitive information, exposing victims to an increased risk of identity theft, fraud, scams, and financial losses. Many Australian laws and data protection regulations are designed to protect healthcare data and patient information. Examples include the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme.

Despite these measures, healthcare providers across the country are vulnerable to patient data breaches. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) reported 104 healthcare organisation breach notifications from July to December 2023, up from 63 from January to June.

Challenges in Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare organisations must handle patients’ personally identifiable information and medical records, introducing many data security risks and challenges:

  • Increased cyber threats. Healthcare facilities in Australia are often the target of cyber attacks such as ransomware or phishing, increasing the need for cybersecurity measures.
  • Compliance challenges. Healthcare organisations must comply with the APPs, report breaches with the NDB, and follow all other applicable laws to avoid sanctions and protect patient trust.
  • Data integrity risks. Failing to keep a healthcare facility’s IT systems secure and up-to-date increases the risk of corrupting sensitive data or rendering it unavailable.
  • Storage and access challenges. Healthcare facilities must process, store, and secure large volumes of data. They must also ensure that data is remotely accessible by healthcare providers for efficient telemedicine.

AWS Solutions for Secure Healthcare Workspaces

Amazon Web Services (AWS) includes a range of secure, efficient solutions designed to enhance your healthcare facility’s data security. These solutions comply with Australian data security standards without impacting productivity or workflow efficiency.

  • AWS WorkSpaces. This secure, remotely accessible Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) facilitates access to sensitive patient data while keeping it safe with encryption at rest and in transit.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM). With IAM, define and configure precise security roles for each healthcare worker, ensuring each team member only has access to the data they need.
  • AWS CloudTrail. Gain access to detailed user activity logs, detect who accesses what data, and give your healthcare facility the tools to detect and combat security incidents.

Secure Your Patient Data with WOLK Today

WOLK can help you protect your patients’ sensitive data and work more efficiently. Contact us today and learn how AWS services can strengthen your healthcare facility against cyber threats.

Hello, AWS Enthusiasts!

Buckle up, because today we’re diving into a topic that might just save your AWS account from a financial nosedive. Spoiler alert: cost is more than just that line item your finance team grumbles about — it’s actually one of your most effective security measures. Yes, you read that right! Your budget is about to become your new favorite security feature.

Security by Design: The Wallet Factor

Let’s be real. When most of us think about AWS security, we think of IAM policies, encryption keys, or maybe that security guru in the office who speaks in acronyms (we see you, CISSP holders). But here’s a twist: cost—that’s right, the dollars and cents—is one of the most underrated, yet powerful, security tools at your disposal.

Imagine your AWS account as a shiny new sports car. It’s fast, sleek, and can take you places, but if you leave the keys out, it’s bound to get taken for a joyride. Now, think of your AWS budget as the fuel gauge. If the tank is low, that joyride isn’t going very far. In other words, keeping an eye on your AWS costs is like keeping an eye on the fuel gauge — runaway costs could be a sign that something (or someone) is joyriding your cloud resources!

The Cost-Awareness Security Model (CASM™) [Not Actually Trademarked]

In a world where everyone is looking for the next big thing, we bring you a groundbreaking (and completely made-up) security model: CASM™. The basic principle? If something costs you more than expected, it might just be a security incident in disguise.

  • Unintended EC2 Instances: Spinning up instances can be as easy as clicking a button (or, unfortunately, as easy as a poorly secured API call). Those unexpected instances might just be an intruder—or worse, a misconfigured auto-scaling group gone rogue. Your wallet will notice before you do.
  • S3 Storage Sprawl: You know the drill—set it and forget it. Until, of course, your S3 bucket starts bulging at the seams with data you didn’t know existed. If you’re suddenly paying for more storage than you planned, it’s time to investigate.
  • Mysterious Data Transfers: Data moving where it shouldn’t? If your data transfer costs are rising faster than a SpaceX rocket, it’s worth checking if your data is being shared with the right people—or if someone’s siphoning it off.

The Red Flags of Your AWS Bill

AWS bills don’t lie. They might confuse, they might even intimidate, but they don’t lie. Here’s how to read between the (billing) lines:

  • Spikes in Cost: A sudden spike in costs is like that weird sound your car makes before it breaks down. Don’t ignore it.
  • Unusual Patterns: Is there a sudden uptick over the weekend when no one should be working? Or on a holiday? Unless your services are haunted, it’s worth looking into.
  • Service Usage Anomalies: Discovering a new service on your bill is like finding a strange charge on your credit card statement—who ordered this, and why?

Proactive Budgeting: The Unsung Hero

Now that you’re convinced cost is your secret security weapon, let’s talk prevention. Setting up AWS Budgets and Cost Alerts can turn you into the Sherlock Holmes of your cloud infrastructure. If something’s amiss, you’ll get the alert before things get out of hand. Think of it as your AWS account’s panic button — only without the red flashing lights.

Wrap-Up: Don’t Let Cost-Security Fall Through the Cracks

In conclusion, keeping your AWS costs in check is not just a matter of saving money—it’s a crucial part of your security strategy. By monitoring your spend, you’re also monitoring the health of your environment. So, the next time you review your AWS bill, don’t just cringe—look at it as your first line of defense.

Fill in your email below and click subscribe to get access to our FREE configuration mechanism to help you quickly and effortlessly set your Budget and Alerting.

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You will receive an email with instructions on how to implement this, alternatively you can book a free session and we’ll help you implement it.
Our rule of thumb is to take the average of your last 6 months of bills, multiple it by 1.2x and set that as your budget. Obviously if you are growing please allow for the growth phase and revisit your budget as often as is required.

P.S. Did you know you can set up cost alerts in the AWS Management Console? Because nothing says peace of mind like knowing your credit card is safe from unexpected AWS surprises.

P.P.S. If your AWS bill was a horror movie this month, don’t worry—we’ve all been there. Please schedule a free Cost Optimization call with Brian – if you need any assistance or you would just like to have a chat.

Until next time, keep it secure (and affordable)!

Businesses with multiple offices and locations face many challenges in keeping data and communication secure and consistent. For example, offices located in different time zones or distant geographic areas may face communication delays or develop data silos, leading to inefficiencies. Failing to unify security protocols can also make some offices more vulnerable to breaches than others.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers multi-location businesses the right solutions to address these issues, helping you create secure and efficient workspaces.

AWS Solutions for Enhanced Communication

Integrating common communication tools across all offices and locations ensures all team members are on the same page. These AWS tools are flexible, scalable, and enable real-time, seamless communication:

Integrating Chime into your organisation is an excellent solution to mobilise your workforce across all locations. Each team will have access to standardised tools with a consistent, unified user experience, streamlining document sharing and collaboration tasks.

Collaborative Tools on AWS

If your multi-office organisation needs additional solutions to enhance collaboration, consider integrating AWS WorkSpaces. This Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution is customisable and scalable to meet different office needs, helping each location scale up or down seamlessly according to your organisation’s projects.

AWS WorkSpaces can be preconfigured with the operating system and applications of your choice. Once installed, your managers can create and customise user profiles with the storage options and data access permissions your organisation needs to maintain security and productivity. Users can also remotely access their desktop from any device, eliminating the need to invest in dedicated desktop computers and reducing operational costs.

Ensuring Security in a Distributed Office Environment

AWS offers multi-office organisations several options to increase and maintain data security across all locations. Here are some of the most effective and widely used:

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM). It lets you manage your users’ access to the organisation’s AWS services with a granular, roles and permissions-based profile system.
  • Amazon Cognito. Add sign-up, sign-in, and authentication systems to your web and mobile apps. This solution is ideal for providing all your business locations with a scalable and consistent user authentication experience.
  • Key Management Service (KMS). With AWS KMS, you can securely encrypt your data and manage cryptographic encryption keys. You can also use it to encrypt or digitally sign your data, helping your team build a unified security strategy.

Secure and Streamline Your Offices with WOLK

Let an AWS expert like WOLK help you build a secure, multi-office workspace. Reach out today to discover WOLK’s AWS migration services and how we can help you unify security and collaboration between each of your locations.

A secure, modern workplace is where employees can work efficiently and collaboratively from anywhere, using various devices, while ensuring that data and operations remain protected against cyber threats. Achieving this involves using advanced cloud services to provide flexibility, increase productivity, and maintain strong security measures

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services that facilitate the transition to such a workplace, ensuring security and efficiency throughout the migration process.

How to Achieve a Secure Modern Workplace with AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s leading cloud service provider. Individuals and businesses worldwide use AWS infrastructure and services to reinforce data security and facilitate remote access to their work.

Adopting and implementing the right AWS services is essential to migrate your workplace to a more efficient, flexible, and secure environment.

  • AWS WorkSpaces. A persistent, remotely accessible virtual desktop interface (VDI). Connect to your VDI using any device and pick up where you left off anytime, anywhere.

  • Amazon AppStream 2.0. It can centralise your organisation’s desktop applications on a single system that can be securely and remotely accessed by any team member from any device.

  • AWS Directory Service (AWS DS). If you use Microsoft Active Directory, AWS DS can integrate with it and reinforce data security with secure AWS authentication and identity controls.

    Step-by-Step Guide to AWS Workplace Migration

    Migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS) involves several critical steps to ensure a smooth and secure transition. Below is a detailed guide to help you navigate the migration process effectively, ensuring your workplace is modernized and secure.

    Assess Current Infrastructure

    Conduct a thorough inventory of your IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and network components. Also, evaluate the performance and capacity of existing systems to understand what needs to be migrated and what can be optimized. You should also assess current security measures to identify gaps and areas for improvement.

    Define Migration Goals

    Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with the migration, such as cost reduction, improved scalability, enhanced security, or better performance. Then, establish measurable KPIs to track the success of the migration, such as reduced downtime, improved response times, or cost savings.

    Create a Detailed Migration Plan

    Develop a realistic timeline for the migration process, including key milestones and deadlines.

    Allocate necessary resources, including personnel, budget, and tools required for the migration, and identify potential risks and create mitigation strategies to address them.

    Setting Up AWS Environment

    Create and configure your AWS account with the appropriate permissions and billing information. Set up a virtual private cloud (VPC), subnets, and security groups to establish a secure and scalable network architecture.

    Data Migration Strategies

    Evaluate the type and volume of data to be migrated, including databases, file systems, and application data. Use the AWS Data Migration Service (DMS) or Snowball to transfer large volumes of data securely and efficiently. Always perform test migrations to validate data integrity and performance before full-scale migration.

    Monitoring and Optimization

    Implement AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail to monitor performance, security, and usage metrics. Based on monitoring insights, you also need to continuously optimize resource allocation and performance settings.

    Conduct periodic reviews of the cloud environment to identify opportunities for improvement.

    Also, perform regular security audits to ensure compliance with industry standards and to identify potential vulnerabilities.

    Make Your Workplace More Efficient with AWS – Get Started Now!

    Let an AWS professional like WOLK kickstart your migration into the cloud. We can help you plan and execute your workplace migration, provide training and education to your team members, and perform security audits and monitoring to ensure a fast and safe migration process.

Migration to a cloud-based service provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS) requires careful planning to minimise downtime and ensure a seamless transition. AWS specialists like WOLK can assist you in simplifying the migration process, from pre-migration plans to execution and monitoring.

Pre-Migration Planning

While migrating to AWS offers numerous benefits, pre-planning is critical, simplifying the process and ensuring your business has access to the correct resources. During pre-planning, you’ll need to assess the following:

  • Current infrastructure and workflows. Understand what your organisation already has access to, how current workflows operate, and their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Identifying goals and objectives. Determine your long-term business objectives and how better tools, services, and cloud infrastructure could help you meet them.
  • Involving key stakeholders. Ensure you have the support of the company’s key stakeholders in each relevant department (IT, finance, operations, etc.). They can provide crucial insight, raise concerns, and voice needs and requirements.
  • Creating a detailed migration plan. Create a detailed plan outlining each step, complete timelines, and comprehensive risk assessment and mitigation to ensure the migration process is as efficient and trouble-free as possible.

Ensuring Security During Migration

Adopting the AWS Best Practices for Security, Identity, and Compliance as early as possible in your migration process is essential to make it safe, secure, and simpler to complete.

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM). Amazon’s integrated IAM tools allow you to specify which team members have access to what data using the principle of least privilege. This helps reduce the risk of data loss and simplifies data access control with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Encryption protocols. AWS Key Management Service (KMS) lets you create control keys and upload data securely by introducing encryption at rest and in transit, reducing the risk of intrusions.
  • Network security. Reduce your company’s exposure to cyber threats and isolate your AWS resources with AWS Virtual Private Cloud. This tool can help you control all inbound and outbound traffic with security groups and Access Control Lists (ACLs).

Executing the Migration

An experienced AWS partner can guide you through the simple steps you need to perform to execute the migration easily. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Initial setup. Creating and configuring your AWS environment, including accounts, IAM services, VPCs, and other necessary services. This step lays the groundwork for successful data migration.
  • Data migration. Moving your business applications and services onto AWS with various migration strategies, each adapted to different solutions. Common examples include rehosting (lift-and-shift), re-platforming, and re-architecting
  • Testing and validation. Once all applications have been moved to an AWS environment, they will be tested and monitored for performance and security before validation. Post-migration procedures, such as AWS training and support for employees, can then proceed.

Transform Your Workplace with Simplified AWS Migration

Migrate to the world’s leading cloud service provider with an AWS expert like WOLK today. Contact us today and discover how WOLK can simplify the migration process to help make your workplace safer, more efficient, and more productive.

The modern connected workplace should be secure, flexible, and accessible. To meet these demands, Amazon Web Services (AWS) built its cloud services on the principles of the Well-Architected Framework, allowing organisations to benefit from the best data security and protection frameworks. Follow these tips and best practices to make the most of your migration to AWS and take advantage of its security features and options.

Pre-Migration Planning

Migrating to a secure cloud-based service requires proper planning and preparation. Creating a pre-migration plan can help you identify your needs and select the correct services.

  • Assess security needs. Identify the most sensitive data your organisation handles and determine what data must comply with regulatory standards like GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS.
  • Evaluate current policies. Check your organisation’s existing security policies and identify any gaps or vulnerabilities the AWS environment can address, such as inadequate real-time monitoring, poor data encryption, or lack of multi-factor identification.
  • Choose the right AWS services. Review the list of available AWS services and select the ones that best meet your needs. For instance, Amazon WorkSpaces is a common choice for distributed workforces who need a secure desktop-as-a-service solution. Consider AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access to your business data with a profiles and permissions system for your organisation members.

Migration Strategy

Once you have established a migration plan, develop a strategy to ensure your migration to a cloud-based workplace is as efficient as possible.

  • Establish a timeline. Create a detailed timeline for your migration process. Define clear, achievable milestones so you can measure and track your migration process in detail.
  • Prioritise your migration tasks. Visualise your current infrastructure and applications to determine what assets need to be moved to the cloud and in what order.
  • Security-first approach. Define and assign clear roles and responsibilities for your team members. Use these definitions to adopt a security-first approach and determine data access controls with tools like AWS IAM. Then, transfer data using secure protocols, such as AWS Direct Connect and AES-256 encryption algorithms.

Execution of Migration

During the migration process, the first step is to configure your AWS environment and set it up according to your business needs. Configure basic AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, VPC settings, and the IAM roles and policies established in the migration plan. 

Then, use secure transfer methods to move your data over to the AWS servers, such as AWS Direct Connect, ensuring it is not exposed to the public internet during your data migration phase.

Secure Your Future in the AWS Cloud

Partnering with an AWS specialist such as WOLK can help ensure your business data migration goes as planned. Our services range from pre-migration planning and execution to post-migration security audits, employee training, and continuous monitoring to ensure maximum data safety.

Cloud computing and software-as-a-service (SaaS) allow your business to access the latest technologies instantly, so you only pay for the services you use. Cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) implement the latest security features to ensure your company benefits from these cloud services with the lowest possible risk. 

Here’s how migrating to AWS helps to modernise your work environment while keeping it secure from the latest threats.

Key Benefits of Migrating to AWS

Whether you operate a small-to-midsize or a larger business, migrating to AWS provides your company with a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance security, including:

  • Enhanced Security Across the Board

Migration to AWS means benefitting from Amazon’s comprehensive security features. Security methods include firewalls, data-at-rest and data-in-transit encryption, and high-strength cryptographic algorithms to protect your data from theft and intrusion.

Amazon AWS approaches security from a multi-layered principle as part of its Well-Architected Security pillar. All elements of the cloud stack, from the physical data centres to the software running the network, have their own security systems.

  • Decentralisation of Endpoint Device Relevance

Migrating your business data to AWS means that the endpoints (your local devices) no longer need to host critical data and business resources. Everything that matters to your organisation is on the cloud, stored in AWS data centres remotely, reducing the risks associated with device theft or damage. 

The primary benefit of this approach is to reduce the need to invest in security hardware and software locally. Other advantages include mitigating the risks of local IT failures and making it possible to securely access your data from any device, helping support remote, hybrid, and distributed workforces.

  • Improved Control and Management

With AWS, you have access to a broad range of tools to control and manage access to your data:

  • Identity Access Management (IAM) lets you create user profiles to control which organisation members have access to what data and resources.
  • AWS CloudTrail monitors user activity for suspicious behaviour and provides the tools to meet compliance requirements with your industry’s regulatory standards, such as SOC, HIPAA, and FedRamp.
  • AWS Config details your AWS resource inventory and helps ensure their configurations comply with your desired security guidelines. It also alerts you if any changes are made, ensuring you can quickly review them and respond accordingly.

Start Your Secure AWS Journey Today

Complete your business’s transition to Amazon Web Services with the cloud experts at WOLK. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a safe, secure, and efficient work environment with AWS.

Staying Up-to-Date with Evolving Compliance Standards and Regulatory Requirements to Ensure Continued Compliance on AWS

Laws, regulations, and security frameworks constantly evolve to adapt and respond to new cyber threats. Keeping up to date with the latest versions of all applicable standards and regulatory requirements is critical to maintaining a secure and compliant environment on AWS.

How Security Frameworks and Regulations Evolve

Every data security framework and regulatory requirement is designed with the current technology, threats, and industry best practices in mind. As the cyber threat landscape changes, so do these standards, mitigating new risks and securing vulnerabilities.

While Amazon Web Services guarantees comprehensive compliance controls with over 140 security standards and certifications, AWS customers are encouraged to stay proactive on the latest versions and industry recommendations. 

How to Stay Up to Date on the Latest Security Frameworks and Regulations

According to the AWS Shared Responsibility Model, Amazon’s security responsibility only extends to the hardware, infrastructure, and software used to run AWS services. The customer’s responsibility is to ensure data, platforms, applications, OSes, and client-side environments are secure and compliant.

For instance, if your data requires compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, the most current edition of the ISO 27001 ISMS standard, you must review the changes introduced since the previous version. 

Once you have identified these changes, conduct a gap analysis to determine which of your current compliance practices no longer align with the new version’s requirements. Then, update your policies, procedures, and security controls accordingly.

Tools and Services to Ensure Continued Compliance on AWS

Multiple AWS services can help your organisation automate compliance at scale on Amazon Web Services. The following is a breakdown of the most common continued compliance solutions on AWS:

  • AWS Config is an AWS service designed to continuously monitor and record your resource configurations. You can use it to enforce compliance through a compliance-as-code framework, automating the process.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of AWS Config with AWS Config Conformance Packs. A Conformance Pack is a collection of predefined AWS Config rules and actions intended. They can automatically ensure your AWS environment complies with the latest versions of the most common regulatory frameworks and standards.
  • If you have multiple AWS accounts and environments, use AWS Organisations to manage, govern, and ensure the compliance of all your accounts from one place. You can combine the capabilities of AWS Organisations and AWS Config to configure automated compliance at scale.
  • You can also use AWS CloudFormation to ensure your AWS services are within the scope of the compliance programs of your choice. Third-party audit reports are available through AWS Artifact.

Ensure the Security and Compliance of Your Business Data with WOLK

As an AWS Well-Architected Review Program Partner, WOLK Technology has the resources to help your organisation build a secure and compliant AWS environment. Schedule a review with us today, and let us help you boost your business’s performance.

Measuring and Reporting on Sustainability Metrics to Track Progress and Drive Continuous Improvement

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers can use numerous tools to manage and build reports on their organisation’s sustainability metrics. These tools are critical to measuring a company’s carbon footprint, overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and compliance with the Sustainability pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

Track Carbon Footprint and GHG Emissions with the Amazon Customer Carbon Footprint Tool

One of the most important sustainability tools available to AWS customers is the Amazon Customer Carbon Footprint Tool. This AWS service is a data dashboard informing businesses and organisations of their workflows’ environmental impact.

Use the Carbon Footprint Tool dashboard to view your organisation’s overall carbon emissions and build a path to 100% renewable energy usage. The dashboard can also display emissions breakdowns by geographic region, individual services (e.g., Amazon EC2, Amazon S3), and trends over time.

More Visibility into Sustainability Data with the Contino Dashboard

Enhance your organisation’s understanding of its sustainability goals and current performance with the Contino Sustainability Dashboard

This new open-source tool provides a detailed view of your organisation’s cloud usage carbon footprint. It complements the Amazon Carbon Footprint Tool, giving AWS customers additional instruments to help meet sustainability objectives.

Contino Dashboard was designed for businesses and organisations seeking actionable data and plans to reduce their carbon footprint. It is purpose-built to increase data visibility with a specific focus on sustainability. The dashboard is also more accurate than previous methods, such as using cost optimisation dashboards and correlating cost savings with resource efficiency.

Report Data with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Solutions

Compliance with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks can help an organisation achieve its sustainability objectives. AWS customers can use ESG reporting and disclosure solutions to gather ESG data and meet reporting requirements efficiently. These solutions are designed to integrate into your AWS workflows. Typical ESG reporting tools continuously read and analyse your data to ensure compliance with standardised sustainability objectives.

After analysing your data, they show reports displaying various metrics and indicators to help you measure your company’s adherence to environmental objectives, progress towards sustainability targets and goals, and comparisons with industry peers.

Many ESG reporting solutions employ advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the accuracy of their data collection, analysis, and validation processes. 

Make Your Organisation More Sustainable with WOLK

At WOLK, part of our role is to ensure your compliance with AWS sustainability principles, regardless of your experience with cloud technology. Whether your organisation is starting its cloud transition or is already familiar with cloud services, our team can provide guidance. Contact WOLK today to learn more.